Topomovies - Marey on the Rocks
3D shapes are covered with moving images. A virtual camera offers spectators an exploration of these structures. The camera is programmed to never offer the same route.
In these mobile architectures where the walls are made up of animated photographs taken from film sequences, the linearity of the temporal medium that is cinema appears spatialized and blurred.
Each topological form is an archive which unfolds incessantly over time and the consultation of which constitutes for the spectator an always singular event. These archives are mental sculptures whose drawings offer multiple memory accesses.
• Concept and artistic direction: Frédéric Curien, Jean-Marie Dallet.
• Software: Hervé Jolly.
• CREA Numerica, Francophonie.
• 2 video projectors are placed opposite each other in the middle of a dark space measuring 10 x 3 m. They are projecting a generative film on the wall in front of them.
• 2009 : CREA Numerica, curator Christian Ambaud, Beyrouth, Lebanon.