Sky Memory Project 2
The Sky Memory Project's' mission series offers cinematic journeys in the sky of memory. During this adventure, we will meet planets whose air is sonorous and soils made up of moving images.
The shapes of the planets make one think of mathematical figures or even organic elements. The spectator will come across tori, diabolos, Dupin's cyclids, DNA helices, shells, minerals and even symbolic shapes like a Tower of Babel.
To achieve this interactive cinema installation, we are working with sets of sequences and sounds from spy films and series B. They are described in words and the editing is then carried out according to semantic criteria or automatically due to the behavior of the spectators in front of the screen.
• Concept and artistic direction: Frédéric Curien, Jean-Marie Dallet, Hervé Jolly.
• Faux Mouvement Contemporary Art Center.
• A PC computer is connected to four video projectors and a Kinect (camera sensitive to movements).
• 2015-2016 : SKYLINE, personal exhibition, Faux Mouvement Contemporary Art Center, Metz.