At the origin of Lucifer’s Commission, there is the desire to offer a rereading of the existing archives of Woody Vasulka.
Starting from the wheel and cylinder model, the Alamos and Analog series of photographs were thus revisited with the software invented by the SLIDERS_lab. This results in new circulations in image architectures that placed in the 3D virtual pace, give rise to original points of view and innovative perspectives on the work.
This reuse updates the initial images which then leave their archive status to appear as creations.
• Concept, artistic direction: Frédéric Curien, Jean-Marie Dallet, Hervé Jolly, Woody Vasulka.
• Labex Arts-H2H (University of Paris 8, France), Le Fresnoy, Studio national des arts contemporains, Turcoing, France.
• 1 screen on which video projection images are displayed. 1 video projector is suspended which sends images to the screen using a multimedia player in which a USB key is inserted. 2 speakers connected to an amplification system are placed behind the screen.